
Featured titles

Duty, Honor, Hope
Strategies for Understanding & Unpacking First Responder Grief
Author: Beth L. Hewett, PhD, CT, CCISM, CEOLS

"Without question, this is the best book I have ever seen on the topic of grief." - George S. Everly, Jr., PhD, ABPP

In Duty, Honor, Hope: Strategies for Understanding and Unpacking First Responder Grief, Dr. Beth L. Hewett uses the lived experiences of 21 first responders, offering a practical approach to a subject many people don’t discuss: grief, grieving, and intentional mourning.
Griefs stemming from critical incidents often go unmourned, accumulating and stacking up, and eventually overflowing. She teaches a first response action approach to address stacked up griefs and prevent them from reaccumulating.

The beautiful cover artwork "Returning to Light" was painted by Shawn McCowell.

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Psychological Body Armor™
Lessons from Neuroscience That Can Save Your Career, Your Marriage, and Your Life
Author: George S. Everly, Jr., PhD, ABPP, CCISM

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. But imagine if there was a way to "immunize" yourself from the stress of adversity. First responders, first receivers, disaster responders, public health professionals, and military members, to mention a few, are exposed to situations that can cause physical injury. As a result, they wear physical body armor and PPE for protection. At the same time, they are exposed to situations that can cause psychological injury. Shouldn't they also learn to use Psychological Body Armor™ for protection? Based on the latest relevant science, this book shows you how.

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The Resilient Child
Seven Essential Lessons and Practical Tips for Building Happiness, Success, and Social Intelligence
Author: George S. Everly, Jr., PhD, ABPP, CCISM

How many children suffer because they were never taught to handle the stress of competition, bullying, and the pressure to fit in? Stress, depression, and anxiety are epidemic amongst children today. More than any other life skill, resilience may be the most important and yet most frequently overlooked skill for children and teenagers to learn. This book is a practical guide to teaching them how to thrive in times of challenge, adversity, and even failure.

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Supporting a Grieving Workforce Front Cover Supporting a Grieving Workforce
Author: Beth L. Hewett, PhD, CT, CCISM, CEOLS, Author: Richard Ottenstein, PhD, CEAP, CTS

Grief hurts. Bereavement specialist Dr. Beth Hewett joins the Workplace Trauma Center's Dr. Richard Ottenstein to look honestly at supporting a grieving workforce suffering losses from the COVID-19 pandemic, other illnesses, violence, or accidents.

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The Secrets of Resilient Leadership
When Failure is Not an Option
Author: George S. Everly, Jr., PhD, ABPP, CCISM, Author: Douglas A. Strouse, PhD, Author: George S. Everly, III, JD, MBA

Organizations that can adapt to change and bounce back from adversity will not only survive, they will grow during times of crisis, but it will require a special type of leadership…Resilient Leadership.

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